Text of TeleFinder Chat from Tuesday, April 28, 1998 11 AM PDT.

In attendance: From Spider Island: Rusty Tucker

Sysops: Jim Smith, Michael Davidson, mikael fredriksson, Daniel O'Leary, Rick Palmer, Daryl Hansen, Juan Jose Tarud

Michael Davidson: Hey hey Mikael, nice that you could join us! …

Mikael Fredriksson: Hi

Michael Davidson: I don't know where everybody is at...before you ask

Mikael Fredriksson: ;)

Michael Davidson: I'm not even sure if Jim is here :)

Michael Davidson: Jim, you here?

Rick Palmer: <<joined the chat>>

Michael Davidson: What's happening Rick? …

Jim Smith: I am here, just had Dan where Chat Room icon was???

Rick Palmer: <<left the chat>>

Daniel O'Leary: <<joined the chat>>

Rick Palmer: <<joined the chat>>

Michael Davidson: Hey hey Daniel, nice that you could join us! …

Michael Davidson: Hello Rick, glad to see you! …

Michael Davidson: sorry Daniel

Michael Davidson: everybody is late today, it seems

Daniel O'Leary: I just had a weird problem... no chat icon ...

Michael Davidson: Hmmm

Rick Palmer: late is my MO

Daniel O'Leary: Snapped a pic of it...

Daniel O'Leary: interesting

Michael Davidson: how's Java DO

Daniel O'Leary: there is a large gap between Rick's msg. and mine.

Michael Davidson: me too

Michael Davidson: Rick must have entered returns

Daniel O'Leary: MD, had to free up some HD space to continue.

Michael Davidson: :)

Rick Palmer: I did-Im on a Windoze machine...arg

Daniel O'Leary: it does not matter if I enter "enters" or "returns"... my MSG's are sent immediately.

Michael Davidson: ahhhhhh!

Daniel O'Leary: WinfHoze .

Daniel O'Leary: Rick, may MOD visit you.

Michael Davidson: be back in a little while.......

Daniel O'Leary: May your NT box be constantly visited by MOD wannabes.

Daniel O'Leary: Grin.

Daniel O'Leary: DISA should have known better than to use NT for anything.

Daniel O'Leary: Much less for their net hardware mgt.

Daniel O'Leary: Anyone alive?

Daniel O'Leary: BRB

Daniel O'Leary: <<left the chat>>

Daniel O'Leary: <<joined the chat>>

Michael Davidson: Hey hey Daniel, nice that you could join us! …

Daniel O'Leary: Argh BOTS!

Michael Davidson: my bot is alive :)

Michael Davidson: is that a bot that says "Argh BOTS!"

Daniel O'Leary: No, it is me.

Daniel O'Leary: I am a bot...... not!

Michael Davidson: I am working on greeting only once :)

Daniel O'Leary: I will not make it to Friday's chat unless I do so from New Orleans, LA.

Michael Davidson: do it, that will be nice

Michael Davidson: take a PowerBook

Daniel O'Leary: I'm going there for the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival.

Daniel O'Leary: I go every year.

Michael Davidson: if you had Java chat, we could listen with you :)

NNDMT: <<joined the chat>>

Michael Davidson: Glad you could join us NNDMT! …

Michael Davidson: well....kinda of

Daniel O'Leary: Yeah, I now have enough space to work further on it. Nuked

most of my msg. bases.

NNDMT: <<left the chat>>

Daniel O'Leary: What does that NNDMT stand for.

Michael Davidson: My bot needs to decapitalize Donald McHose's name

Michael Davidson: I mean NNDMT 's name

Daniel O'Leary: ?

Daniel O'Leary: Is that Don

Daniel O'Leary: NNDMT?

Michael Davidson: No, I have no idea who it is

Rick Palmer: MD your name doesn't show up in the "In" on this NT thing

Daniel O'Leary: NT is Junk RP.

Rick Palmer: strange

Daniel O'Leary: hammer Hammer.

Michael Davidson: Not sure what you mean Rick P.

Michael Davidson: Online with TF you mean?

Rick Palmer: I know...but all the Macs are busy working.....!

Michael Davidson: Everybody else show up?

Daniel O'Leary: RP the NT box can be used to hack your LAN.

Rick Palmer: in the "In:" at the top of the chat screen

Daniel O'Leary: Thought you were gonna boot it off there.

Michael Davidson: o, check Users Online then

Rick Palmer: Its been retired to doing nothing.....

Michael Davidson: ....in the Chat menu

Daniel O'Leary: hehe, that is what it is best at.

Rick Palmer: MD it doesn't matter...just a observation

Rick Palmer: It never was stable enough to do anything mission critical

Michael Davidson: they are good holding up a Mac up from the dust on the floor

Daniel O'Leary: hopefully it does not provide a back door to packet sniffers etc.

Jim Smith: <<left the chat>>

Michael Davidson: I always wanted to be a packet sniffer :(

Daniel O'Leary: ARGH....

Michael Davidson: be back in a bit

Daniel O'Leary: OK.

Daniel O'Leary: Was anyone on here on the hour?

Rick Palmer: No

Rusty Tucker: <<joined the chat>>

Michael Davidson: Hello Rusty, glad to see you! …

Daniel O'Leary: Looks like RT was on at 9:16.

Rusty Tucker: :) - almost missed it!

Rusty Tucker: got caught up in some other things this am..

Michael Davidson: Hey Rusty, how's events! :)

Daniel O'Leary: RT, I have not yet been to wsapi page yet....

Daniel O'Leary: had to free up some space on here.

Daniel O'Leary: Also posted a msg. in TFNet Admin about the entry in your DNS

for my system.

Rusty Tucker: I've been busy on Win 95/NT, a Web Site project, and a 4D

project lately.

Daniel O'Leary: Joined MOD?

Rusty Tucker: yes, why are we DNSing that name anyway?

Daniel O'Leary: Don't know.

Daniel O'Leary: Should be kz.eaze.net, the one you had was from when the ISP first got set up.

Daniel O'Leary: found it when I did a zone transfer on your server for tfnet.org Rusty Tucker: oic - we're mapping your TFnet.org address over there.

Michael Davidson: I gotta go guys. See ya on Friday

Daniel O'Leary: Was curious about TFNet system membership...and thought of dumping the data from your DNS.

Rusty Tucker: applebarrel.tfnet.org. IN MX 5


klonezone.tfnet.org. IN MX 5 kzpwrmac.cyberhighway.net.

krawfish.tfnet.org. IN MX 5 kzpwrmac.cyberhighway.net.

nsd.tfnet.org. IN MX 5 kzpwrmac.cyberhighway.net.

ohtma.tfnet.org. IN MX 5 kzpwrmac.cyberhighway.net.

Michael Davidson: <<left the chat>>

Daniel O'Leary: right, all occurrences of my system should be changed to kz.eaze.net.

Rusty Tucker: ok - I just changed them all

Daniel O'Leary: Jammin... is that data otherwise current?

Jim Leary: <<joined the chat>>

Daniel O'Leary: I am considering building an web-based admin interface to the gateways... it would maintain both the gateway config and the mail server configs... Think there is any market for that?

Daniel O'Leary: Would work with Lollipop, MacKennel and the TFNet gates.

Rusty Tucker: I'm going to have to dig in on the domain deal

Daniel O'Leary: if you need help, let me know.

Rusty Tucker: I need to change the primary and the secondary

Rick Palmer: <<left the chat>>

Daniel O'Leary: Am running a DNS here, as are others...

Rick Palmer: <<joined the chat>>

Rusty Tucker: I'm using QuickDNS Pro, its pretty easy to work with

Rick Palmer: Daniel are you in a place where you could do a DIG on

Daniel O'Leary: DIG?

Rick Palmer: UNIX DIG

Rick Palmer: on DNS

Daniel O'Leary: Have a Unix box right here.

Daniel O'Leary: Am unfamiliar with the command though.

Rick Palmer: Probably DIG

Rick Palmer: should return transfer information

Mikael Fredriksson: http://www.menandmice.com/salesandsupport/techsupport/dnstools.html for testing your DNS

Daniel O'Leary: oh, zone transfer?

Rick Palmer: yes

Daniel O'Leary: OK, I can do that...

Rick Palmer: I've notified my NT hooligan that he is out of here but he is

still there and throwing little bombs at me....

Rick Palmer: he has wormhole3.sunflower.org assigned to .253 and .254 when I look at it.

Rick Palmer: look all the way at the bottom

Daniel O'Leary: got it.

Daniel O'Leary: mail CNAME oz.sunflower.org

munchkin A

ntrules CNAME munchkin.sunflower.org

oz A

raptor3 A

scarecrow A

tinman A

toto CNAME munchkin.sunflower.org

wormhole3 A

wormhole3 A

www CNAME oz.sunflower.org

www2 CNAME clytie.sunflower.org

www3 CNAME munchkin.sunflower.org

sunflower.org. SOA dev.gentle.net gentle.dev.gentle.net.


Daniel O'Leary: I do not like those names (grin)

Rick Palmer: he does it to antagonise me

Rick Palmer: he gone in 2 weeks

Rick Palmer: box in parking lot

Daniel O'Leary: I'd shut his toy off.

Rick Palmer: I'm trying to do it without disrupting members ...and causing mondo tech support calls

Daniel O'Leary: RT. In other news, did you see my msg. about JL's plug-in?

Rick Palmer: and at the same time working with the engineers at Nortel and

Bell on this tunnelling stuff

Daniel O'Leary: RP, that will keep you employed for a long time!

Rusty Tucker: nope

Daniel O'Leary: looks like "field separators" or nothing more than pairs of carriage returns.

Rusty Tucker: which topic?

Daniel O'Leary: I think I could build a plug-in to extract fields... Have a C routine to do this somewhere.

Daniel O'Leary: I just don't know how to get them out of the resource that contains them.

Rick Palmer: actually its working pretty well from the user point of view...

Rusty Tucker: :) - way too late DO.

Rick Palmer: buy I'm getting a "flood" of ARP requests

Daniel O'Leary: RT, you have it?!

Daniel O'Leary: It should really be added to SPML as a command extension.

Daniel O'Leary: Was thinking that it could extract arbitrary fields too, if the caller specifies ranges.

Daniel O'Leary: RP, I do not think that I am doing that to you.

Daniel O'Leary: the field separator should be specified as a hex string like colors, or it could be quoted, for "printable" chars.

Rick Palmer: DO-No....its ongoing and causing some congestion on the LAN....Not you man.

Rick Palmer: DO-think its Radius and L2PF talking or not talking

Rick Palmer: DO-maybe not listening is better

Daniel O'Leary: hope you have the latest Radius, there were bugs in the earlier ones.

Daniel O'Leary: RT is not talking about that field extraction thingy...

Daniel O'Leary: grin.

Rick Palmer: 3 month old I think -Merit Radius

Rick Palmer: :)

Daniel O'Leary: RP, that one is fairly recent and should not have the problems I saw.

Daniel O'Leary: Since RT has solved field extraction, I guess I'll move back

to my other pressing items. WBJChat and WBGateAdmin

Juan Jose Tarud: <<joined the chat>>

Daniel O'Leary: I need some info from Craig Vaughn to find out what is in the xxx.dist and xxx.info files for MK.

Juan Jose Tarud: hellos

Daniel O'Leary: I have figured out the rest of it.

Daniel O'Leary: Am getting tired of manually administering the gateways.

Daniel O'Leary: See a need for one program that manages the config files for all of it.

Daniel O'Leary: And want it to be web based.

Rick Palmer: DO-I saw your apple script for placing files in new users folders....haven't look but do I just need to edit the mail folder names?

Daniel O'Leary: RP, you'll need to edit the files within the folders also, to reflect the stuff you want to go to new users.

Daniel O'Leary: And you'll need to brief your users on how to download and customise their pages and profiles.

Daryl Hansen: <<joined the chat>>

Daniel O'Leary: That will be added to the archive in a later date. I want to

eventually automate the whole thing, but I need to get some A/S extensions

installed and add them to the package if I can get permission to do so.

Rick Palmer: very cool...wish I was having time to do some good stuff like


Daryl Hansen: Who has last week's Chat session?

Daniel O'Leary: I will miss this Friday's unless I make it to New Orleans

before it starts.

Rusty Tucker: I just uploaded it to the chat site.... Bob should have it

posted soon

Rick Palmer: DH -in the sysops folder:spiderisland chats folder

Rick Palmer: sysops files folder

Rick Palmer: I mean

Daniel O'Leary: RT, why not just run an extra TF/User process called Chat

Logger, and let it auto-dump to the site?

Daryl Hansen: Thanks.

Daniel O'Leary: I have tested that approach and it does work.

Daniel O'Leary: You could even script it and link to Mail server schedule, so

that it starts and stops automatically.

Daniel O'Leary: Just a thought.

Daniel O'Leary: I love automation, except for cheezy BOTS.

Daniel O'Leary: hehe.

Rick Palmer: gotta go bye!

Rick Palmer: <<left the chat>>

Rusty Tucker: see ya

Rusty Tucker: DO- I used too, but that was plain text

Daniel O'Leary: There's a problem with Plain Text? Sounds like an opportunity for an enhancement...(grin)

Rusty Tucker: yes, I uses a chat bot now to log directly in HTML

Rusty Tucker: then I email the file to "chat"

Daniel O'Leary: Ah, I just let it log to the directory where it is served.

Daniel O'Leary: an option to log in both formats, TF/User text and HTML would be cool.

Daniel O'Leary: radio buttons to select all the log formats you want.

Rusty Tucker: Script away!

Daniel O'Leary: use auto-suffixes to differentiate them.

Daniel O'Leary: hehe...

Rusty Tucker: Didn't' post the HTML logger?

Daniel O'Leary: I think it's in the newer TF/Users, right?

Daryl Hansen: Rusty, Did you get the StdLog I sent you a few days ago?

Rusty Tucker: the web mail crash?

Daryl Hansen: Of course. Web Mail Likes crashing :)

Daryl Hansen: I sent you and JP the log last week, I just want to make sure that you got it. It looked like it might have some insight.

Rusty Tucker: I exchanged email w/ Jon yesterday, he says he has some fixes coming.

Daryl Hansen: I put JP's newest beta back in.

Juan Jose Tarud: <<left the chat>>

Daryl Hansen: Great! Yippee!

Daryl Hansen: I have more than 10,000 accounts now!

Rusty Tucker: cool

Daryl Hansen: It is still pretty fast.

Rusty Tucker: Are you having any problems with garbage mixed in email?

Daryl Hansen: Not one user has reported anything like that.

Rusty Tucker: Bill Davies has been having a problem like that, also running web mail

Daryl Hansen: I don't have any POP3 accounts either.

Rusty Tucker: 1.0b2 -- is that the best version?

Jim Leary: <<left the chat>>

Daryl Hansen: I will probably never do POP3 because of the spam problem. Yes, 1.01b2

Daniel O'Leary: RT I have seen only one occurrence of garbage in the mail.

Rusty Tucker: This was more like the problem DO had once in posting a message online.

Daniel O'Leary: I sent you a copy of it.

Daryl Hansen: At first it crashed more, but then I wiped my drives and started clean, now it is a little more stable.

Daniel O'Leary: If affected the reply....

Rusty Tucker: Some of this may be similar. Its not reproducible though.

Rusty Tucker: It could be Old beta's still in circulation..

Daniel O'Leary: The reply formulated looked fine, but after transmission, it was hosed.

Daniel O'Leary: RT, that was not the case in my occurrence.

Daniel O'Leary: All was the latest.

Daniel O'Leary: But I have not seen it since.

Daryl Hansen: RT, Did you get the StdLog?

Daniel O'Leary: RT, I have seen problems with TF/User not displaying all icons, and not giving an error msg. Today it was the Chat Icon.

Daniel O'Leary: The others loaded quickly...

Juan Jose Tarud: <<joined the chat>>

Juan Jose Tarud: hi guys

Daniel O'Leary: HI JJT.

Juan Jose Tarud: I need some help as always ?-)

Rusty Tucker: I see, that happened while connecting here?

Daniel O'Leary: Yes RT.

Daniel O'Leary: How so JJT?

Daryl Hansen: RT, I just resent you the Log.

Juan Jose Tarud: I lost everything on my BBS and was running TFS 5.1 until today that I upgraded to 5.6.1

Juan Jose Tarud: but after I upgraded all the nodes turned to 2400 bps and I can´t save the web server settings

Juan Jose Tarud: and I cannot modify the node settings

Daniel O'Leary: JJT toss the prefs files, and try again.

Juan Jose Tarud: wait

Daniel O'Leary: toss the nodes out and recreate them.

Daniel O'Leary: I had that problem a long time ago too.

Daniel O'Leary: sounds like corruption has really hit you hard.

Daryl Hansen: MauiMail will be upgrading to a G3 within two weeks :) Also, I finally got TF MS talking the SIMS. SIMS only seemed to work properly when run on a PPC.

Daniel O'Leary: you had a problem with TF/User, now this.

Juan Jose Tarud: I had to initialize both of my HD

Juan Jose Tarud: the got screwed up by TechTools Pro

Daniel O'Leary: DH, what is SIMS.

Daryl Hansen: Stalker Internet Mail Server :)

Daniel O'Leary: Oh the LineShare guys.

Daniel O'Leary: Never did make that stuff work correctly.

Daryl Hansen: Yep

Daryl Hansen: SIMS is free!

Daryl Hansen: And it the fastest Mac SMTP server available.

Daniel O'Leary: What does it do that I cannot already do?

Juan Jose Tarud: I create a new node but cannot modify it!

Daniel O'Leary: route mail direct to any host?

Daryl Hansen: It can deliver mail directly to other mail servers, TF MS cannot.

Daniel O'Leary: right DH, that's what I thought.

Juan Jose Tarud: and cannot save the web setting too

Daryl Hansen: I have my TF MS relaying mail to Stalker.

Daniel O'Leary: JJT something is seriously wrong...

Daniel O'Leary: do you have correct versions of all software?

Juan Jose Tarud: I cannot know what it is...I formatted both of my HD and

installed a whole new MacOS 8.0

Rusty Tucker: JJT - how did you install 5.6?

Juan Jose Tarud: I have TFS 5.6.1 and UM and MS 5.7

Daniel O'Leary: did you toss the UM prefs and TF server Prefs in the sys folder?

Juan Jose Tarud: I replaced 5.1...do I need to download the 5.6.1 huge file for this?

Daryl Hansen: JJT, what machine are you running?

Rusty Tucker: yes

Juan Jose Tarud: 604e 200mhz

Juan Jose Tarud: so that would be the problem Rusty?

Rusty Tucker: that is the only way to upgrade to 5.6 w/o big, big hassles.

Daryl Hansen: What machine model?

Juan Jose Tarud: Power Tower Pro

Daniel O'Leary: JJT you cannot mix them.

Rusty Tucker: get the full 5.6 DL, so you at least have documentation to begin with.

Daryl Hansen: Oh,

Daniel O'Leary: there are config changes in the dir structure.

Juan Jose Tarud: I was running 5.7 until my system crashed

Rusty Tucker: Then, install 5.6, and then copy the data files from 5.1 to the

5.6 set-up ( teleusers, node files, access groups )

Daniel O'Leary: config files have moved...

Daniel O'Leary: mail server config file is now in the config folder.

Daryl Hansen: By everybody, RT, let me know what you think of the StdLog.

Daniel O'Leary: several template changes I think also over 5.1.

Daryl Hansen: <<left the chat>>

Rusty Tucker: DO - he needs the documentation most of all

Daniel O'Leary: Yes, RT.

Rusty Tucker: trying to go piece by piece w/o the docs is a disaster waiting to happen.

Daniel O'Leary: I'll bet the swap to/from UM 5.1 v 5.7 is screwing things up too.

Daniel O'Leary: new attributes there.

Juan Jose Tarud: I´ll leave you guys to work....see ya and thanx again you all :-)

Juan Jose Tarud: If you come around Chile I´ll invite you all a drink

Juan Jose Tarud: bye

Daniel O'Leary: Grin.

Rusty Tucker: later... see you all next week

Juan Jose Tarud: <<left the chat>>

April 24, 1998 -- ©Copyright 1998, Spider Island Software